
About us
Founded in 2016, Yoogle has its facility located in Shanghai Jinshan Industrial Park. Yoogle is a tech company integrating the R&D as well as manufacturing of metal-based new materials. Not only do we have a professional and experienced team with an international background, but we have established long-term ties with a number of research institutes and enterprises across the world, with which we’ve been constantly challenging the limits of key material technologies, which has injected vitality into the sustainable development of YOOGLE.
Our core products
Having redefined the metal-based new materials, we will unswervingly press ahead with the innovation of the next-generation metal-based material technologies so as to meet the demand for new materials from the ever-changing industrial and technological development.
The R2R continuous nanocomposite deposition technology not only strengthens the functionality of metal, but also brings about changes for the future by new materials,thus creating more possibilities for such fields as new energy (chemical batteries), automobiles, electronic communications, construction, semiconductors, electronics & appliances, etc.
2024年1月15日,佑戈成功通過第三方權威認證機構——美國Smithers Quality Assessments公司的嚴格評審,正式獲得IATF169...
2024年1月15日,佑戈成功通過第三方權威認證機構——美國Smithers Quality Assessments公司的嚴格評審,正式獲得IATF16949汽車質量管理體系認證(IATF證書編號:0496008),認證范圍為“預涂膜
2024年1月15日,佑戈成功通過第三方權威認證機構——美國Smithers Quality Assessments公司的嚴格評審,正式獲得IATF16949汽車質量管理體系認證(IATF證書編號:0496008),認證范圍為“預涂膜金屬卷帶的制造”。這表明,佑戈車身飾件專用預涂膜金屬卷帶制造的質量管理體系符合國
轉載:高工氫電?巡回 | 上海佑戈:改進工藝與材料 助力金屬板“提質降本”
   金屬雙極板的研發生產涉及流場設計與CFD仿真、模具設計與CAE分析、模具制造、精密成型、精密焊接、表面改性、原材料等多項技術,最終達到穩定、可靠的成品難度也比較大。由于當前整個行業仍處于產業化前期,金屬雙極板的制作工藝流程有待完善,生產效率也有待提升。 4月1